Added a image but isn,t visible on my web page

I ahve added the image into my webpage but image isnot visible .
I’m uploading code and the web page images.![

@yamsanivarshitha This is because the path of the image is incorrect in your code. If your image name is bgimage.jpg then copy the file to the same folder in which your index.html file is present. Your image tag should look like as shown below

<img src="bgimage.jpg" alt="Test Image">

If your image is present in the Images folder of the same directory, then you can use

<img src="Images/bgimage.jpg" alt="Test Image">

Do let me know if you are still stuck.

This website helps me

Thankyou Sir finally my code is working :grin: :grin:

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Sir this is still not working. Please help out!:slight_smile: