Positioning problem in css

here my child 2 class is not working. I don’t seem to find the mistake

here is the second one

I need to continue the training.Can anyone tell me what’s the problem?

@anandmohan1911 You have missed a semicolon for position: relative in the child2.

Thanks a lot it worked!

here the coffee card picture is not showing.If anyone can tell me it would be a big relief for me

the css one

This is the output it is showing in webpage.

Hi @anandmohan1911,

As I can see from the above screenshots, the mocha-image.png file is inside coffeecards folder. Please update the path in line number 31 to <img src="coffeecards/mocha-image.png">.

Do let me know if you still face the error in the loading of card image.

Shobhit Kumawat

I think console might be having some new features and I don’t know how to work it out and it would be great if you helped me.

Hi @anandmohan1911,

Apologies for the delay in response. We have already answered this query on some other thread. Please refer to Operators in javascript - #5 by shobhit.kumawat for solution of the problem.