Contact Form not working in the Inventrom Website

Hello Team,
I have completed the Inventrom website till the awards section. I embedded the Hubspot code for the form as given by the document. The problem is that the contact form isn’t showing up on the webpage.
I tried it several times but to no avail. Please help me.

Thank You
Anirudh Naitrav V

Hi @anirudhnaitrav,

As mentioned in the document, the HubSpot form will not show up when you open your index.html file in chrome, but it will work when you make it live on the server. You can try it out over here Just zip all your project files and upload them on Hostatic to test the form.

You could also run a local server on your PC to test the website. There are a lot of extensions of live server extensions for VS Code. You could also use Python Flask to run files on the server.

Hello Team,
The contact form is now working now in the website. Thank you for your help

Thank You
Anirudh Naitrav V

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