CSS table color hover doubt

	background-color: #5AE2F1;

	background-color: #C45FC9;

	background-color: #C45FC9;

In the above code outclr and stock are two classes of the table row .
I am using hover to change the color but it doesn’t seem to change can someone tell me where I’m wrong. This works when I remove background color of the data.

Hi @2019ucs0072,

I am guessing your code is as below -

<!DOCTYPE html>
<table >
<tr class="outclr">
<td>Hello row 1 </td>

<tr class="stock">
    <td>Hello row 2 </td>
<style type="text/css">
    background-color: #5AE2F1;
    background-color: #C45FC9;
    background-color: #C45FC9;

The background color of the table row is changing but it is not visible because td has a fixed background color.
Instead in your case assign the class to the td.

<tr >
<td class="outclr">Hello row 1 </td>

<tr >
    <td class="stock">Hello row 2 </td>

Do let me know in case you need any other information.