Not able to get the movie finder output


Movie Finder
Movie Finder


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font-size: 15px;
width: 200px;


const API_URL = “”;
const API_URL_SEARCH = “”;

var search_input = document.getElementById(“search_input”);
var card = document.getElementsByClassName(“movie-cards”)[0];

document.getElementsByClassName(“search”)[0].addEventListener(“click”, function (){
const query = search_input;
if(query) {

async function getMovies(url) {
const resp = await fetch(“url”);
const respData = await resp.json();

function showMovies(movies) {
card.innerHTML = “”;
movies.forEach(async function (movie) {
const movieData = await fetch(API_URL_SEARCH + movie.imdbID);
const movieDataobj = await movieData.json();

function movie_display(imovie) {
const movieElm = document.createElement(“div”);
movieElm.innerHTML = <div class="card"> <img src="${imovie.Poster}" alt="Poster" width="300px" height="300px" /> <br> <div class="movie-decription"> <span class="movie-title"><b>Title</b> <span>${imovie.Title}</span></span> <span class="movie-title"><b>IMDb Rating</b> <span>${imovie.imdbRating}</span></span> <span class="movie-title"><b>Director</b> <span>${imovie.Director}</span></span> <span class="movie-title"><b>Release Date</b> <span>${imovie.Released}</span></span> <span class="movie-title"><b>Genre</b> <span>${imovie.Genre}</span></span> </div> </div> ;

Hi @tharunatejaswini03,

Please refer to this link: GitHub - Himanshu87699/Movie_Finder to find out where you are going wrong.

Let me know if you are still facing any issues.

SIR, i have gone through all still i am facing issues

Hi @contact.omers.bus,

If something’s not working right in your code, giving us more details will make it easier for us to help you. Here’s what we need:

  1. Code Snippets: Share the relevant parts of your code where you suspect the issue is occurring.
  2. Error Messages: Provide the exact error messages you are encountering. If there are multiple errors, list them all.
  3. Screenshots: Capture screenshots of the error messages and share it with us so that we can help you out.