Unable to download the Quoda code editor app

Unable to download the Quoda code editor app

Currently this app is not available on play store .We will update the new app link as soon as possible, till you can use Code editor.


Update the link of new alternative app

Hi , we will update the link . Thanks for suggestion.

Hi @sayalid412
You can use the Replit App as an alternative to Quoda code editor app

Here is the steps that you need to follow to use the Replit App:

  1. Download the Replit App using the link - https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.replit.app
  2. Login to the app using your credentials.
  3. Click on Create Option at the bottom navigation bar.
  4. Scroll down and choose the HTML, CSS, and JS options.
  5. Give a project title relevant to what Project/Web Page you are creating using Replit and click on Create
  6. Once loaded, you will be directed to an HTML sample Page called as index.html.
  7. The code can be typed as per the need and in the bottom navigation bar there is a Run Option which when clicked loads the page in the new tab.
  8. Also there is a Files option in the left bottom part of the UI in which multiple HTML, CSS and JS files can be created and can be renamed and used as per the need of the project/Training.